MidWest March for Life
MidWest March For Life began in 2010 and hosts through the St Andrew ProLife Committee, the annual march and rally for all pro-life Missourians and surrounding states at our state capital in Jefferson City. The March commemorates the tragic January 22, 1973, U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in our nation. It witnesses to the right to life of all unborn children in our state and our nation. It is an opportunity to call upon our state government officials and courts to respect the right to life of all God’s People from the moment of conception, to pray for an end to abortion in our state and nation, and to encourage one another to remain strong in our pro-life work during the coming year.
40 Days for Life has had a continuous year round vigil at the Planned Parenthood in Columbia, Mo since 2010. Please join us at www.40daysforlife.com/columbiamo to peacefully pray on the sidewalk outside of the Columbia Planned Parenthood.